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Marshmallow DOZE feature : What is this !!! Every major Android version brings lots of good stuff ( Let me focus only on positive energies in this article -;) ) and this time in Marshmallow DOZE feature. Google finally serious about battery performance. DOZE = Saving your device battery performance when device is not active or in other words when it meets certain criteria. Is this the first we have feature like this in Android phones ? Nope not at all, almost every OEM spent lots of time and resources improving battery performance. Sony Mobile XPERIA : "Stamina Mode" has been around for couple of years and i think they need to retire that feature as DOZE and Stamina Mode conflicts and achieves similar goals. This frustrates OEMs given they spend time and resource and google delivers it later stage of the game. In a nutshell, Android M includes new functions, Doze and App Standby, to improve battery life. What...