Palm Pre is making big noise as REAL iPhone competitor and apparently it is designed by one of ex-Apple engineer !!!! Can Apple really patent the Multi touch ? If it does what's the big deal for other manufacturers. Don't you think that patenting on Multitouch is something like patenting mouse device which i feel is general device and preventing others to replicate can have dangerous monopoly issues. Anyways .. read on!!!!!! For those of you who weren't listening in to Apple's earnings call today, you missed a prime moment of defensiveness when Tim Cook fielded a question about how the company plans to stay competitive amidst new entries from the likes of Google and, more recently, Palm. What seemed like an answer due to end with a "we've got some great new stuff on the way" slant, Cook dovetailed into how the company views its new smartphone competition. In his words: Q: "There are other iPhone competitors coming to the market: Android, Palm Pre...
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