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Showing posts from May, 2010

NexusOne - Froyo Update package and instructions.

NOTE: This update works only for Non-rooted NexusOne ( In other words, Geniune NexusOne ). I am not responsible incase you brick your devic ( I hope it won't brick your device ).Also note that it is not the final NexusOne Froyo build. Download Froyo update package from follwoing lcoation. Steps: 1. With your Nexus One off, hold down the trackball and press the power button. 2. You'll be booted into a white screen with three Android robots on skateboards. Select "Bootloader." 3. On the next screen, select "Recovery." 4. Your phone will reboot, giving you a picture of the Android robot and an exclamation point inside a triangle. 5. Now press the power button and volume up button at the same time. It could take a couple of tries. 6. Now (using the trackball this time) choose "Apply" and let things run their course. Highlights of the Froyo ( Cortesy .thesearethedroid...