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Recover Permanently (Shift+Delete) Deleted Mails in MS Outlook

I am pretty sure that this tip / article is useful to many of the people who have NO or little or even moderate experience with MS Outlook. Infact once i was strived to recover mails which i accidentally deleted, that is point where i read lot of columns and micrsoft help articles to recover my my files. I thought of sharing this little tip save lot of people time :).

This article describes how to recover items that have been "hard deleted" / Shift + Deleted.

By default, the Recover Deleted Items functionality is only enabled on the Deleted Items folder in a user's private folders; items that are hard deleted cannot be recovered. To enable the Recover Deleted Items functionality on mail folders other than Deleted Items (for example, for Sent Items, Drafts, Outbox and Inbox folders), you must make the following changes to the registry:

1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).

2. Locate and click the following key in the registry:

3. On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry value:
Value name: DumpsterAlwaysOnData type: DWORDValue data: 1 (1 for ON and 0 for OFF, right now it should be 1 (one))

4. Quit Registry Editor.

5. Start Outlook, and then click Deleted Item Recovery on the Tools menu. A list of items that have been hard deleted during the retention time set on the server is displayed.


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