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Showing posts from July, 2008

iPhone Development on Windows XP / Vista

Few days back i have decided to burn my hands with iPhone Application development and googled around apple website. I was utterly disappointed by the fact that i would need Mac OS to develop iPhone application using iPhone SDK from Apple. I felt awful about this fact and cursed Apple for not providing SDK for Windows OS. ( But i think i need to understand that Apple wants to increase their MacOS sales with help of iPhone popularity ). Having said that there is NO iPhone SDK available for Windows i started searching Net for iPhone Dev on Windows and i happened to come across following USEFUL website. I still need to explore. You may want to try this tool if you are interested in iPhone app development on Windows PC.

WinCE / Windows Mobile Show / Hide Taskbar

Hello Folks, I am back with yet another Win CE / Windows Mobile articles, i don't want call this as an articles rather i would like to call it as some quick peek into WinCE / Windows Mobile useful functions. Lately i have a requirement where i need to run my application in full screen mode which means i have to disable task bar to let my application run n full screen mode. Initially this sounds like BIG task but after peeping into MSDN i found that it is a cakewalk. Following snippet does the trick. You are welcome to use this Function and let me know if you need any help. // blnHide = true means HIDE and false means SHOW void ShowHideTaskBar(bool blnHide) { // Find the taskbar window. CWnd* pWnd = CWnd::FindWindow(L"HHTaskBar", L""); if( pWnd ) { if( blnHide ) pWnd->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); else pWnd->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); } return; } //ShowHideTaskBar Thats it ... simple right !!!!!

Windows Mobile / WinCE Custom Ping function

I am back and yet again Windows Mobile / WinCE tutorial but this time soemthing interesting and on networking side. Lately i was developing Wireless PDA Update application which requires me to check if server which contains ROM image files is reachble before attempting to download files from the same. I thought that there is a WinCE API available to perform this task but to my surprise there is NO direct API however helper API is available. Then i have constructed an API which takes parameters and returns true if ping successful. Here is the function .... If you require full application do let me know so that i can upload to any free server. int Ping(PWCHAR wszHostname, int iWaitTime) { WCHAR wszAdd[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; in_addr addr; HANDLE hFile; IP_OPTION_INFORMATION ipInfo ; IPAddr ipAddress ; ICMP_ECHO_REPLY icmpEcho; int iRet = ...