Skip to main content PAY PAL ALTERNATIVE - Get Paid $500 FOR FREE

Awesome, awesome, awesome news!!! There’s finally another program that I am totally stoked to write about that EVERYONE can use to make a lot of real money, with no catch, of course. Revolutionary Money Exchange (RMX) is a company who is taking on Pay Pal! Why is this great news? Because unless you have been living under a rock for the past 5 years you know that Pay Pal is a MONOPLOY! Pay Pal forces people to LOSE money…thus why they are named “PAY pal” – you literally PAY (lol).

When you register for a Pay Pal account you are only allowed to get FREE pay pal to pay pal transfers. SO if you want to get a credit card payment you’re S.O.L…well, not entirely, you can agree to “upgrade” and lose about 3% of every deposit/payment (even if it’s a pay pal to pay pal transfer) so you can accept all forms of payment. So then, when you decide you want to downgrade and no longer get ripped, they tell you that you can’t. So for eternity you will pay them 3% of every penny you receive. Let me tell you, it adds up. I have never upgraded BUT my buddy who sells on eBay pays PAY Pal over $500 a month for…well…nothing.

So now there’s this new site, Revolutionary Money Exchange that is going to try to break up this monopoly and help promote World Peace (not really, but it sounds good, doesn’t it?). But aside from all that, they’re looking to get people interested in RMX by PAYING you for referrals. Hey, it’s the quickest way to get signups, right? They’ll give you $10 FOR EVERY REFERRAL up to $500!!! And yes, it IS legit! I have seen screenshot payments from my friends. And what’s really cool is that you DON’T have to enter your credit card info or bank acct info. You can just create an account and start referring.

Now, of course when you want to cash the funds out to your bank acct, you’ll have to add it to your profile. BUT you can also get paid by check (cost is $2.50 per issued check)

As far as sending money, getting money, getting payments for goods – your cost is ZERO. There’s NO FEES at all!!!! So sign up, check it out, refer your friends, family, eBay sellers, etc. Make your FREE $500. If you love the service, go ahead and use it. If you don’t love it, then get ripped off by pay pal. Either way, you still get to keep your $500!

Refer A Friend using Revolution Money Exchange


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